Category Archives: General Stuff

An ending and a beginning…

I wrote this writing. It is available for view at my writing blog. Yes, it I still exists. Funny thing about creations. They have a life all their own.

The writing I am speaking of is titled, “Everything and Nothing”. It was written 10-15 yrs. ago. While its subject matter is not the same as today, the title could just as easily fit today’s topic.

Today’s topic is not something I ever desired to write about. I suppose every writer has to face a topic, or in particular, an article they do not want to write.

While the reasons for this could vary deeply, most likely the reason is being too close to the subject. It is easy to write about things we have no personal attachment to. It really is a different ballgame, once emotions are thrown in.

While some could argue that a little passion could be a good thing, and it might indeed make things more interesting, it will also change perspective. This is not always the goal. Sometimes we just want to inform. Sometimes we just want to vent. Sometimes we just need to get past it.

I digress though. That is a very deep rabbit hole I would rather stay out of. At least for today. I have more important matters to discuss.

For one, the end of Axe’s Asylum!

For 18 yrs. this site has provided all kinds of content. From free graphics, music, and writings. To photos of all kinds of things. Funny, sad, interesting, amazing, and even some personal.

People still come here to view some of them. However, the days of people actually commenting on posts are long gone.

And no, heck no, I won’t be wasting any time pointing fingers or laying the blame. It really is irrelevant. I will say, that is does NOT matter how much I post. WordPress has made certain that none of new posts show up in the search engines.

What would you do with a website that you absolutely have to spend money on to get even a little notice? What would you do with a website that gets no comments…ever? What would you do?

I can only guess. I am not you. But I know what I will do. It is not what I want but life does not always give you great choices. Life can actually hand you worse than lemons.

Can you guess what I am implying?

The time to move on has already passed me by, I just did not want to go. I thought there were still people reading who cared. I am not surprised really, to discover I was wrong. 18 years is a long time.

In the beginning this was a great blog. Lots of visitors and communication. Then the world changed. It does that quite a lot actually. Just tie yourself to the ride and don’t let go. Well, that is what we usually do. Until, it makes us sick or tired, or both.

Say goodbye to Axewielderx aka Axe. This persona is officially dead. Heck, I injured myself IRL and can’t even play guitar anymore, so the online persona lasted longer than the real life one did.

I won’t destroy all the work I put into this blog, but I won’t be posting to it any longer. Not ever! Nevermore! This is the last post!

Lastly, I want to say THANK YOU!!!!! To everyone who ever visited, commented, or shared this blog. Your contributions to my life are immeasurable! Thank you from the very bottom of my heart. You are appreciated!!!

May all of your dreams and wishes, be what you deserve!

J.B. Thomas (Axe)

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Filed under Announcements, General Stuff, Thoughts, Writings

Let me try again…(Malpractice)

The world has this way of kicking you when you least expect it. That is what happened to me. So let me try again…please?

Shortly after my last post I was lucky enough that life threw another disease my way. This one shall remain nameless for the hospital, after 11 days of picking and prodding, could not tell me its name.

Yes, you read that right. An entire hospital was baffled after 11 days of tests. All they could tell me was enjoy the stent we put in you, that had nothing to do with the reason you came here. Heck, nobody in the hospital could even tell me what Zinc Carosine is. It has been around since the 90s, fyi.

If there is anyone in Texas who knows a good #MALPRACTICE attorney, please do share. I am definitely interested!

At any rate, I will share some photos I took during my 11 day stay and I will leave you with this single thought.

Why are we still giving money to Doctors and Hospitals? It is we, the people, who need that money after they are done “practicing” on us!

Take care and enjoy the pictures!


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Filed under Announcements, General Stuff, Pictures, Thoughts

When we go into the wilds

Plan as we like, take every precaution, access every possible scenario and yet, life always throws a few surprises along the way.

While the end result of our move from Richmond, Tx. To Beaumont, Tx. ended in what was expected; how we got there was not.

I took a few photos over the last week or so meant to reflect the process. While some may not seem a part of it, trust me everything pictured had something to do with the overall picture. Enjoy the photos!

Well, we made it and now comes weeks of unpacking. Lacking most of the furniture needed, it will take much longer to really unpack.

I will return when I can…


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Filed under General Stuff, Pictures, Thoughts

You should try it!

First go grab, the worst and hardest habit to quit, on the planet. Yeah, go start smoking cigarettes. They are legal everywhere and most everybody can afford a pack. Nicotine is only as addictive as heroin.

Great! Now that you are addicted, do it for 44 years and then quit. Only wait…

Then discover that just quitting will make you the loneliest person on earth. That’s right! As if quitting the damn habit that you had been doing for 44 years was not enough agony, let’s just add that on top like some crappy little sprinkles.

Then let’s post to the internet, so we can show the world just how bad it really can get, when nobody bothers to read the post.

And we sit around and wonder why nobody ever does anything good…


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Filed under General Stuff, Rants, Thoughts

Merry Christmas 2023

What does Christmas mean to you? Really think about that. It is a rather loaded question for many. For some it is good memories and for others, quite the opposite. For me it is a mixture of both.

However, many years sober and far removed from any who might do me more harm, I find my thoughts still mixed. While the idea is a good one, it is like many of mankind’s ideals. Good intentions that fall short in implementation. We want to be kind and generous, but many simply have no real clue how to do that.

Perhaps if we were to practice the Christmas spirit more often, than just one day, we might get it right. Perhaps that is just wishful thinking.

Regardless, I am going to make my attempt here and now, for all those who read my blog still. I give 3 different images I created. You may FREELY download them, use them wherever you like, print them, and keep them forever.

Where ever you are and whatever you might be going through, know this, you are never alone. I am but a contact page away. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


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Filed under General Stuff, holidays, Pictures, Thoughts