Tag Archives: Humor

When The World Is Cold And Lonely

That is today. Definitely the cold part. A temperature of 19 degrees Celsius it is right now. I highly doubt anyone would argue that it is cold. It’s “shove head into oven and turn oven on time”, for sure.

But I am not going to do that. Instead I am going to try to forget exactly how frickin’ cold it gets in a RV at winter. I am going to distract myself by typing to you. Could you at least seem a little more interested? Please!

It is because of this kinda cold that led to my last hospital visit. Seems the cold dries out my sinuses and that leads to pain in my nasal passages and a feeling of congestion in my ears. Basically, I feel like I am coming down with a cold. Whether this is actually the case is irrelevant. It does become true eventually.

This is one of the reasons for the decision we have made to seek another place of residence. If the place you live no longer provides a safe environment to live, then moving becomes priority. We all must have a safe place to live. The IS the top priority on any human’s list of needs.

Sadly, it seems, my little RV home no longer provides a safe haven. Anyone got room for a slightly used writer, photographer, singer, and amusing voice maker?

Ok, I admit I am bit more than slightly used but I have been maintained reasonably well. I come with all kinds of added benefits. I can and often do produce fairly robust and intelligent conversation. I clean up after myself(mostly), I am house trained, and lastly, I can cook if given the right ingredients. Please use the contact page if any of this strikes your fancy.

While I have been enduring the cold, I edited a few recently snapped photos. I shall share them now.

A Polaroid which my wife claims is out of focus and I claim is in focus. The problem with Polaroids if that often, both of those statements are indeed true.
I went for a bit of a painting like image here.

While my wife yet sleeps, the cold remains in the forefront of my thoughts, but I am thankful. I still have my invisible audience to type at. You distract me from the cold and the loneliness, if only, but for a minute. Enjoy your day!


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Filed under General Stuff, Pictures, Thoughts, Writings

#BB18-Has anyone else noticed?

How incredibly stupid the cast seems to be this year! Now don’t get me wrong; I love this show, but usually every year I find someone smart enough to root for, or at least not too dumb to care about. This year, this reality/drama series has turned into a sit-com. Let me offer a little proof, so that we can share the comedy together.

Let’s begin with Jozea. During the first week, this man runs around telling everyone he is the messiah of the newbies and that he is going after the current head of household. Forget the messiah part, we won’t get into the religious implications of making such a statement. However, there is still the matter of saying you are going after the current head of household, while they are still in power. Not trying to be mean but holy shit, are you really this stupid? I could think of no better way of asking to be evicted than doing this. Apparently, they heard his plea, as he was evicted that week for it.

Let’s get on with the next houseguest, shall we?

Natalie made the statement, that ” She could have any man she wanted, outside of the house.” Let me first start by saying that perhaps her boobs are not the biggest thing on her. Maybe her ego is slightly bigger. At any rate, to group ALL men into the same category is prejudice, and as we all know that is completely ignorant. To speak your prejudice in public, on national TV, is just plain stupid. Sorry, Natlaie, you cannot get any man you want. We are not all the same. Some of us actually like to have, a little intelligence in our choice of ladies to be with. You, quite obviously, would never make the cut!

Next we have Victor. He the proof of all brawn and no brain. Sure, he did win the new Roadkill competition but look who his competitors were. It is what he did, with the power of winning that competition, that was so incredibly stupid. After all the votes were in and Jozea left the game, it should have been clear to anyone, that there was a large alliance controlling the votes, and that keeping his win a secret was in his best interest. Basically, anyone could of seen this, yet the first thing this guy does is go tell people, who are now using this information to back door him out of the game. If he would have just kept his mouth shut, he could have placed a returning vet on the block, and nobody would have suspected that a jock had won the Roadkill math competition. Very bad, and dumb move on his part.

While there have been enough dumb things, said and done this season, as to fill up a magazine from front to back, I shall only add one more for your amusement. This last one actually comes from a returning player and not a newbie. While speaking with Jozea, in the head of household bedroom, Nicole states she is not a “kisserbutter”. I am not certain which is worst. The fact that she says this word and does not realize it is not a real word, or the fact that Jozea hears it and does not seem to realize this either.

I think I have made my point, and while on one hand it is extremely sad that our nation has people this dumb appearing on TV shows, it also is extremely amusing. The fact that Big Brother could find nobody better than this seems astounding, but I truly do have to thank them for the laughs, even if I am sure it was unintended.

Hope you enjoyed this humorous post and have a safe 4th of July!



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Filed under Comedy, funny, General Stuff, Humor, Thoughts

Funny #Christmas #Pics 2015

I have been adding funny pictures and such for more than 8 yrs. to this blog. Yet, still the most popular pictures are the Christmas pictures I posted during the first 2 years. In fact, they are my most popular posts of all time. Thus I have finally decided to add some more. Later on I will add links to the previous Christmas posts. In the meantime, if you are curious, just click the “Christmas” tag. Enjoy!


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Filed under Comedy, funny, General Stuff, Humor, Pictures

@tim_cook Apple Ceo and IOS 9

Just curious, how many idiots you gonna fire? If the answer is none, then you should fire yourself. You cannot tell me anyone checked the IOS 9 update. I am pretty certain, even a moron would not believe that.

I mean, who else besides Microcrap puts out a update that ruins their own software? Well, now Apple does. The worse thing is this will not just cost you money to fix, but it is costing you money every day! What am I speaking about? Let me put it simply so you can understand.

When a person on any iPad goes to the iBook store and sees a blank page, they can’t buy books. When a person opens the NEW News app and it crashes, they won’t be subbing to anything.

Then there are a few things that won’t be costing you money everyday, but still have to be fixed, because they are essential to using their apps. Like not getting notifications from their apps, like Twitter( Yep, even after updating to the latest version, no badges for me to know about activity). Or even knowing when there are updates for apps, because now we have no notifications from the App Store on either the iPhone or IPad. I am sure there are others issues that I have not noticed just yet, but it does not matter how many there are. Your update to notifications is a total failure.

On the positive side, Apple has somehow found a way to tap into another dimension! Yes, this must be true. How else does my wife call herself, from her own phone, while playing a game on it? Obviously it was my wife calling from another dimension, since calling yourself from your own phone, is impossible.

Lets just hope you did not destroy the time/space continuum with this update!


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Filed under General Stuff, Reviews, Thoughts

Funny Shit Vol. 5

It has been awhile since I have added funny pics here. But like usual if you are patient, your patience is rewarded. Enjoy these funny pic!

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Filed under Comedy, funny, General Stuff, Humor, Pictures