Tag Archives: changes

Oh, that magic feeling(nowhere to go!)

The words of the song reverberate through my mind. You know which words; surely you do.

One sweet dream, came true today.

One, two, three, four, five six seven,

All God’s children going to heaven.

Maybe this will help… You never give me your money

When you are young, having nowhere to go can be quite magical indeed. However, at some point it becomes less magical and more scary.

Yesterday, we sold our RV, our home. We sold it for payments. Yet, we have no lease secured elsewhere. Odds are we could end up on the streets as much as actually getting another place to stay.

If you think about the fact that, so many things in life either require a firm belief in luck or God, it is a bit scary. Wouldn’t it be nice to know we actually had control over anything? How much do we really have control over?

At any moment, right now even, an airplane could crash through your roof and destroy you and everything you spent your time trying to build. This just demonstrates that the idea we control anything is absurd. It is just an illusion.

Just like everything really. According to current science everything we see is made from energy, sound, vibration. Nothing is tangible! Yet, it all appears to be.

For me, knowing what I know, the answer is easy. Place all my faith that God will take care of those things which I cannot.

For me, that is where the real magic lies. Enjoy your day!!!


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Filed under General Stuff, Thoughts, Writings

My books at half price

For a very limited time. Here is the link to my author blog post about it, that includes direct links to buy. Enjoy!


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Filed under General Stuff, Little Moments Of Truth, Other Places, Shadow Shifters, Thoughts


With nearly 20k followers on Twitter, and over 3000 subs on various blogs and music sites, it is impossible for me to welcome each person individually. Of course, I wish I could. I love meeting new people and hearing their stories! Until I find a way of cloning myself a few hundred times, this will have to do. 🙂

A brief summary about myself. I have been writing since I was 12. I love the horror genre and that is what I read and write mostly.I also write fantasy and mystery. You can learn more about my writing just by surfing this site, if you so desire. I have been singing and playing guitar since I was 15. All of my music is FREE. (who actually sells music these days?) The music I create embodies Rock, Blues, Chill, EDM, and Downtempo. Give it a listen if you like.

I have only recently started doing photography, but I studied the craft very carefully before beginning, and spent the money required, to do it justice. I am unhealthy and trying to build a legacy, before I die from all of the health problems I have. Everything I create is with that in mind.

I currently live in a new RV in Texas, with my wife and a majikal cat named appropriately, Jinxy. If you want to learn more about me, or just seek something to discover, here is a complete list of all my websites-

http://jb-thomas.pixels.com-My main photos site. You can buy prints, cards, iPhone cases, tote bags, towels, shower curtains, and much more with my best photos on them.

http://licensing.pixels.com/profiles/jb-thomas.html– If you would like to license my photos for books, online ads, TV, or many other things, go here.

axewielderx.wordpress.com -Main blog with jokes, funny pics and music.

authorjbthomas.wordpress.com– This is where ALL of my writings are. Poetry, prose, short stories, Novel chapters, and more.

amazon.com/author/jbthomas– My amazon author page where you can buy both e-book and paperback versions of my books. There are more book links, in the My Books” section of this site.

http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5251326.J_B_Thomas-My Goodreads profile.

http://www.reverbnation.com/lucidchaos– My reverbnation website. All music here is in mp3 format only.

http://lucidchaos.bandcamp.com– Any format, lossless or mp3, is here. For those who like the best sound!:)

http://soundcloud.com/lucid-chaos– I only put sneak peeks of music WIPs here. I don’t care for soundcloud’s limitations.

http://www.youtube.com/user/Axewielderx– Various videos ranging from music videos to gaming casts.

http://axewielderx.tumblr.com/-Tumblr– It catches most of my posts from nearly every blog.

https://twitter.com/JB_Thomas– My twitter account where I do most of my daily posting.


I want to thank each and every person who has followed, subbed, or become a fan. I hope you enjoy the ride you just climbed aboard, and tell your friends, before the train has left the station for good. Take care and feel free to contact me anytime. I will answer as time allows. 😎  If you would like to connect on any of these sites, just send me your info via the contact page.


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Filed under Animation, Apps, Comedy, funny, games, General Stuff, Guitar, Humor, Jokes, Little Moments Of Truth, Music, Other Places, Pictures, Plasma TV, Podcast, Poetry, Polls, Reviews, Shadow Shifters, Thoughts, video games, Videos, Where the Water Leads, Writings, Xbox 360

Recent Updates 1-19-15

It occurred to me after posting them to my author blog, that some of these recent posts affect things, that are posted here too. Thus, I am going to share the links, for those who do not read my author blog.

http://wp.me/p1Hef5-c9 -On Hiatus

http://wp.me/p1Hef5-cb – On Hiatus:Why?

http://wp.me/p1Hef5-ch– He is Gone…

Now all my readers should be caught up with the latest news. Have a great day!


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Filed under General Stuff, Music, Pictures, Thoughts, Writings

Reinventing the wheel…

Most of you have heard this phrase and I am certain some of you might even know what it means. Not trying to be condescending at all but I am certain that just because you have heard something, that does not guarantee you know what it means. Heck, I have even had people tell me things such as this or use words that they had no clue as to what they meant, straight to my face and then when I inquired if they knew what the had just said to me, they then admitted they did not.

Now that is really, just a by-product of today’s society, that is in such a hurry to get nowhere in particular, most of the time. Really it is true. How many won’t spend even a minute to read something that might change their life because they have decided they wanted to go another website and play games? Have they not just hurriedly moved along to nowhere? Of course they did. They certainly did not move from their seat and the other website they just went to was a site that just gives them something more immediate.  Just because you can have it now does mean it is better. It just means you lacked the patience to understand one simple fact. Nothing ever worth having, comes easily.

The reason I am discussing it at all because true happiness comes from within and that takes patience and understanding to achieve. It is through exercising patience and understanding that we can come to understand what changes we need to make in our lives in order to reinvent ourselves. Now maybe I should not say reinvent as that is not really accurate. What I really mean is refine.

You see each of us, no matter who we are, has good and bad in our lives. There is no getting around this. There is no such thing as a perfect life. If you look as some rich guy in a mansion and think he has no problems, you would be dead wrong. He may not have money problems but there are many kinds of problems. Often people do not get this. They think they are the only ones. That is one of the biggest lies you can tell yourself and it will only keep you from accomplishing the improvements you desire. Once you have understood this basic fact, then you are beginning. You are ready to at least accept that you and everyone else has problems.

The goal then becomes to find out what exactly are the things that are bad in your life. There is a reason that you need to do this. You cannot solve any problem, if at first you do not see that it exists. So in finding those bad things, you can then begin to work on changing them And it is important that you do so. You see if you do not, how do you ever expect to achieve happiness? True happiness will never find you, you must make an effort to find it.

That begins by defining the things that are bad in your life. Write them down if you have to. But at least take a little time each day to think about what you don’t like in your life. Then you can devise a plan of action. Hell, you can make a list of actions and pick the one that seems the most likely to accomplish what you hope to achieve. When you look at your options or plans of action, keep in mind you are looking for the one most likely to work, not the one that is the easiest to do.

Once you have chosen that plan of action, you must accept the decision you have made and stand firm. Follow through with it. Making a decision but not following through accomplishes nothing. It will require effort, it will require time and most likely nothing about it will be easy. However, you must look at what the end goal is and what it will accomplish. Keep your eyes and mind on that. It will help you to make the changes you need to do. It will help you to reinvent yourself. It will help you to refine yourself.

But, I suppose you might wonder the “why” of it. Why should I reinvent or refine myself? The answer to that is rather simple. Because if you don’t, not only will you not achieve the happiness you seek, you will become stagnant. You’ll just continue being unhappy and as more things go bad or wrong, you will go further and further away from happiness.

Thus you must strive daily to work toward your goal. You must set aside some time, even if it is only 5 mins a day to think, to plan, and then ultimately, take action. For the wheel must be reinvented and refined in order to keep turning. In order to keep rolling. A wheel that is not does not turn accomplishes nothing.

You are the wheel, my friend. Each of us is. We are all wheels in the big machine called life.


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Filed under General Stuff, Thoughts, Writings