Tag Archives: Texas

What it is like to freeze in Hell…Texas Ice Storm Feb. 2021

Around 8 am, Monday morning, while we are still trying to remove the remainder of sleep from our eyes, the power goes out. Just everything goes black. That’s it, no more…just silence. A very empty silence as the heaters wind down, the TV turned off, the air purifier dies. Nothing, no more, blank,…

We look at each other and know what we are thinking. We have been married for more than 30 yrs. Heck by now, our thoughts have to be approved by the other, before they can even be thought. What are we going to do with no electricity? Nothing works, not the heaters, not the heating blankets, not the water, as water pumps need electricity, and not the internet. That last one is big. It is really hard to find out what is going on without any outside communications. Not even the data on our phones worked, we soon discovered. Sure, we could call, we could text. But who are you going to call without knowing their number. You can’t call any motels, hotels, or inns. You don’t have their phone number. YOU HAVE NO INTERNET! People think you don’t need the internet but with these modern day cell phones you have no phone book.I am pretty certain T-mobile never offered me one either, ‘cause I am just old enough and anal enough to take one, if it were offered. This seems to be another one of those hideous ways technology has crept in and stolen our ability to take care of ourselves. But that is another discussion and not for today.

The furnace comes on and we remember we do actually have a couple of small propane tanks on the front of this RV we currently reside in. But how much propane do we have? Seems like last year we did not refill either tank. Oh crap! This could be bad. But we did just replace the battery 4 days ago. So as long as it holds up the furnace should run and as long as the propane holds up we’re going to stay warmish. However, with time this idea seems to be sinking. The damn furnace is coming on about every 10 mins or so. Surely, we will run out of propane gas before this weather passes. But we stayed put. Normally power outages don’t last as long as this one has already. This outage has already lasted most of a day. When the first tank runs out of gas my wife goes out to get more but the store is already closed(If it was ever really open). She could of searched for another store that sells propane, if we had internet…anywhere. Seems cell towers need electricity too!

After the failed gas attempt, we knew options were getting rather thin. But it was getting dark. Icy roads and darkness do not mix, so we decided we would try more in the morning. We knew it was possible that the other gas tank would run out before the morning, so we dragged out a couple of sub 30 degrees sleeping bags and put those on the bed over a blanket, a heating blanket(which needs electricity but would have been more work in the cold house to remove), and a sheet. For the first time, all day, we actually got warm. However, that little treat of warmth was rewarded with our morning plans stolen in the night.

It seems that 4 day old battery was not reliable at all. It stopped working and so did the furnace. Around 4 am I got up to go to the bathroom. Any old person out there will believe me when I say this is normal and expected every night. At any rate, I noticed the house was exceptionally cold and that the furnace was not running. It should of been. It was way to cold for it not to be running. I informed my wife and she proceeded to tinker with the thermostat. I think she hoped it was just not working right. But it was not thermostat that was the problem, it was the furnace. After, a little investigating we discovered that the battery had quit working, for the clock it also normally powers, was off too.

I looked at her and said “This house is way to cold for us to stay. We have to leave.”. So we began packing up a few things, knowing probably the only warmth we were going to feel, would be from the car we were going to be getting into. The outside temperature was around 14 degrees. Inside of our RV it was barely better. The wall thermostat said 30 degrees but that cheap thing had never been accurate. In fact history had shown me, that the RV was usually within 6-7 degrees of what it is outside, without any devices (air conditioning or heaters) running to change the temperature. Between the amount of breath I was able to see, the fact I grew up in Iowa and knew what cold weather was and the history of the RVs weather protection, my best educated guess was the house was somewhere around 20 degrees. Truthfully, when you are standing around in pajamas and no coat, cold is cold.

My hands were freezing so bad they burned, before I reached the interior of that warmed up car. But it was not an easy thing to even get to the car. The stairs had to be salted, things to be packed, and a decision of what to do with the cat had to occur. While it was a hard decision, it turned out for the better. Our cat, little miss Jinxy Girl, had no problem with the cold. She was lively and bouncy. And she ran as soon as the pet carrier was taken out. That made the decision to leave her much easier. Not much sense could be seen in getting frostbite trying to get a cat who seemed fine with the cold.

Leaving the cat behind we headed out. We knew that finding a motel was not likely going occur. It is incredibly hard to face a task you know you most likely will fail. There is a reason they call them facts. It is a cold thing to call something. A non emotional name for something that nobody really likes to hear. The facts were many people left before we did. The facts were that all of Texas had experienced this Ice Storm. Facts were that a lot were without power. We learned more of these facts as we traveled down the road and we were able to pickup some internet here and there. Sadly, all of these facts weighed completely against us finding any warmth, anywhere, outside of our vehicle. Every place we stopped and asked was either completely filled up or had no electricity. As town after town and mile upon mile passed, we began to see a very dark picture. The picture grew dark and so did the day, when we finally found a place to stay, it was nearly 7 PM. This place had no water, it had no WiFi, but it had electricity.As a side note, if we had had the cat, we would not have been able to get the room. The heater of our room barely worked, but we managed to stay warm enough until 5am when the power went out.

So we had to leave. You really have no choice. What most people don’t get about the cold is sleep. You cannot sleep! Not because of the cold but because of the lack of a source of dependable heat. If the heat stops working and your place to sleep gets too cold, you are not going to wake up…ever. Your body has to maintain a certain temperature, if it does not then you freeze to death. So when you think of cold and no electricity, think no sleep.

After traveling over 300 miles and stopping at every place along the way only to end up with a motel that had no water and lost power, we decided the better option was to head back towards home. On our way back home, I got a text from the property manger stating that the power has finally been restored, after more than 48 hrs. without power. I am so glad they were fast at getting a community full of RVs and elderly, up and running(sarcasm). Really though, what the hell is wrong with these people at the power company?

Shortly, after getting home and settling back in I learned some damn Texas mayor said people were being lazy about this Ice Storm and I thought to myself, yes, I suppose I was bit lazy. I could of chopped apart my RV and used it as fire material. But the idea never occurred to me. I does make me wonder two things though. Just how stupid do we got to be, to hire an idiot like that, to such an important position. And secondly, I wonder exactly how many people this lazy Mayor invited into his mansion to share in the warmth.

There is no being lazy when your entire state is without power, there is only being desperate enough to drive all day just to stay warm.
We have some warmth for now, but as time has shown us, the power can go back out and has since we came home yesterday. We can only stay as warm as possible, hope we can get some propane somewhere, and lastly, hope this damn cold storm ends.

JB and Jeannie Thomas are 56 and 57 yrs. old respectively. They reside in Richmond, Texas. around 20 miles outside of Houston,Texas.

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Filed under General Stuff, Thoughts, Writings

GEARS OF WAR 4: WARNING! Do not buy this game if you live in Texas!

Most people in the gaming industry know that currently they are doing the GOW:4 open beta. In fact today is the last day of it. I have been playing off and on the last few days just to see if the game has any merit. I wanted to give an totally unbiased review of the game and now I feel I can do so.

Firstly, let me give the news that applies to Texas players the most. THEY HAVE NO SERVERS IN TEXAS! This means EVERY single game you will be playing half as fast as your opponents. EVERY player on the EAST and WEST coast will be playing as less than half the ping you are. In a game where shotgun battles are the norm, this is so vitally important. No, you cannot just Lancer them down either. The lancer gun seems to have been weakened even more. In a distance battle of 30 ft. A shotgun will win and that is total bull. The shot gun is supposed to be short range. However, the shotgun and lancer balance in the beta is the worst I have ever played with. Add to that the delay from having to use servers on the west or east coast and basically you are screwed. If you think past GOW games were full of BS, well, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

If every player from Texas boycotted this game, it might teach them as lesson in overlooking the 2nd most populace state in the nation. At least your money WILL be spent better elsewhere. This game will just give anyone playing in Texas a headache.

I won’t go into all the other problems with this game. There are already so many reviews on the beta, talking about poor graphics, shotgun inaccuracies, bugs in wall mechanics, etc.etc.etc.

I used to really love this franchise but it just seems to get worse with every new edition and this beta was by far the worst edition I have ever played. Guess the time for playing online shooter games has come to an end. All the old franchises have put out nothing but crap lately and I see no end to it in the future. They seem content to just keep stealing your money and not really improving the games. It is the same as buying a name brand food product. You are paying for a name, not the actual product.

Let’s hope some of the new franchises take this genre seriously and put out quality shooter games. Until then, looks I am stuck with campaign mode.

If you read this and still go and buy GOW 4, don’t come back and tell me later how you should have listened. I have just word for the you if you do so…DUMBASS! You have been warned by an honest player who does not take money from companies for reviews.

Until I type next…


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Filed under games, General Stuff, Reviews, Thoughts

The World in Seven Photos

Firstly, this was emailed to me. I did not take any of the pics. I am simply sharing them.

Lastly, I have lived in Texas for around 32 yrs. and ain’t never(Yes, I know that is not proper English) seen or did what is shown in one of the pics. I also noted that 3 of the 7 pictures are from America. Come on now, America is not the world! But again, just sharing, I did not create the email. I thought the pictures were interesting and worth seeing. Enjoy!

Only in China, Swimming Pool

China swimming pool

Only in Hawaii


Only in India


Only in Mexico


Only in Texas


Only In Thailand


And last, but not least, Only In America


Hope you enjoyed the post and have a great day!


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Filed under Comedy, funny, General Stuff, Humor, Pictures, Thoughts