Tag Archives: iphone

When The World Is Cold And Lonely

That is today. Definitely the cold part. A temperature of 19 degrees Celsius it is right now. I highly doubt anyone would argue that it is cold. It’s “shove head into oven and turn oven on time”, for sure.

But I am not going to do that. Instead I am going to try to forget exactly how frickin’ cold it gets in a RV at winter. I am going to distract myself by typing to you. Could you at least seem a little more interested? Please!

It is because of this kinda cold that led to my last hospital visit. Seems the cold dries out my sinuses and that leads to pain in my nasal passages and a feeling of congestion in my ears. Basically, I feel like I am coming down with a cold. Whether this is actually the case is irrelevant. It does become true eventually.

This is one of the reasons for the decision we have made to seek another place of residence. If the place you live no longer provides a safe environment to live, then moving becomes priority. We all must have a safe place to live. The IS the top priority on any human’s list of needs.

Sadly, it seems, my little RV home no longer provides a safe haven. Anyone got room for a slightly used writer, photographer, singer, and amusing voice maker?

Ok, I admit I am bit more than slightly used but I have been maintained reasonably well. I come with all kinds of added benefits. I can and often do produce fairly robust and intelligent conversation. I clean up after myself(mostly), I am house trained, and lastly, I can cook if given the right ingredients. Please use the contact page if any of this strikes your fancy.

While I have been enduring the cold, I edited a few recently snapped photos. I shall share them now.

A Polaroid which my wife claims is out of focus and I claim is in focus. The problem with Polaroids if that often, both of those statements are indeed true.
I went for a bit of a painting like image here.

While my wife yet sleeps, the cold remains in the forefront of my thoughts, but I am thankful. I still have my invisible audience to type at. You distract me from the cold and the loneliness, if only, but for a minute. Enjoy your day!


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Filed under General Stuff, Pictures, Thoughts, Writings

The Long and Winding…

That road, they call life, surely is long and winding. Especially the winding part. You feel fine one day and the next you are so sick you have to visit the Hospital Emergency room twice in two days.

This was part of my last week. It is official, I now am in debt for the rest of this lifetime and probably part of the next. But, the Cytokine storm has passed. I live on, for my suffering and my happiness are not ended.

The walk along the path is clear as it ever was. After the hospital visits, there were days of recovery, some days of insanity as my body tried to reset itself over and over again. Yet, when it was done, I gained a few new insights and was blessed with my wife’s presence for this entire week.

We have made a few decisions that should benefit our lives if everything works out and, most importantly, we were able to spend some time in the great outdoors. That is where the above photo came from and to think it almost was never made.

After deciding my neuropathy was becoming overbearing, we headed back to the car and climbed in. While sorting our things out, I happened to look up and notice the above scene. I saw it and at once knew this was a great composition. With the leading lines of the cloudscape and the sidewalk…heck the scene was half framed for me.

I opened the car door and stepped out. While rolling down the window, I pulled out my cell phone. Propping my elbows on the car window frame, I proceeded to snap a photo and much to my surprise, no photo sound came forth. It was very bright out and hard to see the screen. I was determined to get this shot and tried again. Nope! Nothing! I turned around and slipped the IPhone back into the car, away from the bright sunlight. Then I found the problem.

The IPhone had somehow been moved into video mode.

I corrected this issue and then proceeded to take a number of photos from different angles and distances. The above photo is the end result of all that and light Snapseed editing.

Maybe I will make a limited print of it one day. I guess that in another of those windings that will come when life has led me further down that long road.

I hope you found some value in this post. If you did, please like and share! Lastly, be safe and have a great day!


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Filed under General Stuff, Pictures, Thoughts, Writings

The Empty Nest

Before I go into my main subject, let me share a few minor updates I have made, to this site.


 Firstly, I have been forced into re-instituting the reader has to be logged-in to comment policy. Having to wade through 15-20 spam comments everyday, just to make sure nothing ended up in there by accident, changed my mind. If the only thing being gained by letting just anyone post a comment, is more spam to wade through, no sense in allowing that to happen.

 Secondly, I added links to my photos website and have watermarked all the pics to be uploaded(851 photos). Sometime next week(hopefully) I will upload them. The button is over there on the right side—>(The button with NWD and a duck on it). Subscribe if you want to be notified when they go up. 🙂

 Thirdly, I updated all my book links on the left side and the “Buy my books” pages of both this blog and my author blog(It should be noted that the print version can be bought directly from Amazon now). I had to change the links because they did not reflect the last version of my book(4th edition) or the link to buy the print version  from amazon. I also added another review.

 Lastly, I added the link to my youtube channel(also over there on the right side). Expect more videos to be added, in the near future, now that there are no kids in the house, to interrupt me.

The Empty Nest

Speaking of no kids in the house, that is the subject I wish to discuss today. Finding yourself at home alone, 90% of the time and in rather questionable health, puts a sense of danger into the mind. I always thought I would be relieved to finally have the time to do everything I wished. But as the reality of my present situation began to sink in, and the fact that thx to the wonders of modern machines, such as this one,—>

iphone pic

I can now allow others into my life. My family members desired I keep my personal life private and I honored those wishes. However, now that is not my present reality. Therefore, I have decided that I will send out an email, to those who have tried to remain friends throughout the years, offering them direct access to me, through text messages, phone calls, etc. if they so desire. Not only would it be the prudent thing for me to do, it would also be nice to be able to communicate with them on a more personal level, than I was previously able to do. If you think you should be one of those friends who is given this information, but are unsure I will feel the same way, please feel free to comment here or send an email through the contact page.

Hopefully, I won’t be completely alone, all the time in the near future. 🙂 What do you think?



Filed under General Stuff, Other Places, Pictures, Thoughts

Apple Business Policies Support Fraudulent App Developers

Before I get started in raking Apple through the proverbial mud, let me make it clear that in general, I like Apple products. I have owned 1 Ipod mini(or whatever the starter Ipod was called back then), 2 iPod Nanos, 2 iPod Touches, and 2 Ipads. Their physical products have always possessed the best technology and are consistently reliable. So it is with reluctance that I am forced to reveal this major negative of the Apple business model. When you like a product or company you usually want to do everything you can to support them.

However, the bottom line is, that whenever a I see a company committing business acts that are not consumer friendly, I speak up about it. You need only look through the archives of this website and you will find articles about similar experiences with Microsoft and Samsung. I guess it was only a matter of time before Apple ended up here, as all big companies at some point tend to forget that the customers are the bottom line, not their bank accounts.

I can understand how their business policies developed. What I cannot understand is why they never evolved. If you recall Apple got started in music business by deciding to create a way for customers to download music and charge them for it. At the time they were doing that, a business model of ALL sales being final made perfect sense. After all, everything they were selling was simple DRM protected music files. Files which they had complete control over quality and delivery.

Then over the years, they added other media file types. Movies, TV shows, and a few games. All of these products were completely controllable by Apple. Then at some point in time, they decided to let third-party developers in on a piece of the pie. Mainly, to make more money but as a side effect consumers got more choice. However, now Apple was not in control of every product that was sold. These apps they did not create and it became more and more apparent that they did not have the manpower or want to invest the resources required, to fully inspect every single app for quality control. While at the same time they still maintained the business model of ALL sales being final. It was at this point, when Apple was no longer fully in control of the quality of the products they were offering for sale, that their business policies should have evolved to reflect this new era of app sales. However, they did not change those archaic policies and that left the onus of quality to fall firmly upon developers, who had no interest in doing anything other than, creating and selling apps.

This was apparent in the number of new apps showing up in the market place that did not work at all. These apps simply crashed. Granted, for a while it did seem like a lot of the developers took the time to actually recode the apps and fix them. However, this gradually gave way to a new breed of app developers. This new breed was only concerned with putting out as many apps as they could each year to generate sales. If the app did not work properly, they simply abandoned them or re-branded them with a different name and resold them to more suckers( oops, I meant customers). There was no concern about customer satisfaction, why bother? These consumers could never return a product for refund.

Seeing this trend happening in the app store and having gotten ahold of a number of apps that did not work. I began to be very patient in my deciding to pull the trigger on purchasing an app. But over time it became clear to me that even reviews could not be relied upon, for the decision-making process. Here is just one of many articles, on this subject.- http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/20/technology/finding-fake-reviews-online.html?_r=0

So now you cannot trust the reviews to lead you in the right decision, or even to tell you if an app developer is actually making any real progress,s toward fixing a problem(s) with their apps. I learned over time, if you are patient, some apps actually do get fixed, and thus you do not have to throw them out, along with your money.

I finally got the point where I had to say something about this to the general public because I simply got tired of losing my hard-earned money on unscrupulous and fraudulent app developers. It got to the point of simply being beyond my comprehension of how Apple could stand behind this Archaic business policy of NO Refunds. With a business policy like this in place, not only are they showing they have no faith in the products they are selling, they are also stating, in no uncertain terms, that they don’t give a shit about customer satisfaction. Furthermore, they are stating to app developers : Go ahead and develop whatever you like, we will sell it for you and won’t ever return any money back to the customer, no matter how many bad reviews your app receives.

I discovered this was exactly how things are still working within Apple, when I attempted to get a refund on an app I purchased about 9 months ago. I have never been able to use this app. I patiently waited for the app to be fixed but it never was. In fact, they even claimed to be adding a new feature called audiob.us support. But when they did, it would end up recording only one track at a time, if it even worked for you. My main reason for buying this app was to have a DAW to record music I created using audiob.us. Even if the app did not crash on my iPad 3, it would not serve for this function. A true implementation of this feature would be to create a track for every app being used inside of audiob.us. I asked for a refund OR store credit of the $50.00 this app costs me. I was told That “All sales are final, no refunds”.

Looking over the reviews for this app, it seems pretty apparent to anyone that this app has issues, and anyone who purchased it should be given the opportunity for a refund. I was patient, I gave them time to fix their app. I was not asking for anything extraordinary or unusual. I was asking for a working product or a refund in the form of cash or credit. Yet, Apple stands there, arms propped up on its hips and spouting like some small child, “No! You can’t have it, its mine now.”

If Apple cannot grow up and take responsibility for the products they sell, then customers need to be aware of this and do whatever it takes to protect themselves from companies that do business like this. I will be extremely careful before I make any more apple app purchases. I will have to research the product, in multiple places on the internet, knowing that reviews cannot be trusted. Hell, I might even have to download them illegally and test them out, before purchasing anything anymore.

I would suggest that all of you do the same thing before you make any purchases, from any company, that does not stand behind products they sell you. I have included screenshots(Simply click on any of them to view the full size screenshot) of just a few of the reviews this app has received and a pdf of their Official reply to my request for a refund or store credit, for this non-functional app they sold to me as proof, that what I am saying is 100% true.

Of course, if you feel like you have money to burn, completely ignore everything I have just written.

apple email reply to refund

auria features list auria reviews 1 auria reviews 2 auria reviews 3 auria reviews 4 auria reviews 5 auria reviews 6

These screenshots were taken from the 6 most recent pages of reviews in the App Store. Thus it clearly demonstrates that problems with this app still exist.

Have a great day!


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Filed under Apps, General Stuff, Pictures, Thoughts

IOS 7 for the iPad

I have to wonder what Apple was thinking when they did this IOS update for iPad. Was their goal to piss off iPad users or did they simply just forget them? The update seemed fine until I started digging around inside and discovered a number of features that the iPhone got, that were not passed on to iPad users. Most notably there was no flashlight, calculator, or compass. Furthermore, the panorama view option from the camera app, also is missing. I am betting the more I look around, the more I will find missing.

I tried to go to the ibook store to get a copy of the IOS 7 user guide but to my surprise, this app does not work at all. It only loads a blank white screen and it happens on both my iPad 2 and iPad 3. I tried closing the app, rebooting the pad, and even un-installing and re-installing the app, to no avail. So I cannot even look up these missing things to find out if they are hidden in some secret place. Although, I am quite certain, the flashlight and calculator are supposed to be inside the control center but are not there.

When you pay $650.00 for a device you expect to get the same kind of update as everyone does. You do not expect to get a partially functional version that lacks the same features as a device of lower cost. Apple you have made yourself one very unhappy customer!

Anyone want to buy an gently used 32gb, black Wi-Fi, iPad 3 ? Best offer over $450.00 gets it.


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Filed under General Stuff, Thoughts