Tag Archives: Stress

It’s not about me…it’s about her!

This entire gofundme campaign was not something she asked me to do. It was entirely my idea. Why would I do such a thing without asking? The answer is quite simple…really!

My wife suffered a stroke less than 2 yrs. ago. While it is debatable whether the stroke was caused by her working a lot of overtime at the time or just something meant to happen. It is still a fact! This entire situation has her stressed to the max and who could blame her. In losing her job, she lost all income AND all hopes of having any kind of retirement outside of poverty. All benefits are gone! All ability to pay bills is gone. All hope is gone!

This is not something anyone deserves, especially someone who has worked their ass off for more than 30+ yrs. to provide for her family. Whatever problems occurred, she arose to the challenge, and made sure everything was taken care of, no matter how many hours of work it required. She gave her lifeblood to being responsible.

Furthermore, she is just a downright good person. EVERYONE and I do actually mean everyone who has met her always speaks about how “nice” my wife is. Frankly, it sometimes makes me sick. But it does beg the question, do truly good people deserve to be punished, for doing nothing, but being good to others?

I don’t believe so and I doubt you do either. However, if we do not get some help, she is going to continue stressing over this, until she is hospitalized or dead. This I cannot just sit idly by and watch. The Gofundme campaign was to help avoid this altogether.

You can believe me when I say this, my wife most certainly would rather have a job, than have me ask total strangers for money. She has been looking every single night, hours upon hours, until she litterly falls asleep at the kitchen table in her searches. She does not want to lose our home, go bankrupt, or live on the streets.

Sadly all 3 of those thing are likely to happen without help. I understand and get that some people can’t or won’t help for whatever reason, however, anyone can share this. The power is within your grasp. This campaign is not just about her though. It is also about YOU. What kind of person are you? Would you turn your back on an old lady who was crying in the street or would you offer some kind of assistance? Only you know the answer to this question! If you choose to ignore this cry for help, then you most certainly need to take a look in the mirror, and live with what you see.

I have done my part. I have created this campaign and when to vast lengths to get the word out and offer everyone an opportunity, to either be a good and caring person, or to be an uncaring jerk. The choice is yours!

As a final note, I have never created any of the music, writings, and photographs because I desired money. Sure, that was a side benefit, but it was not my main goal. I have always sought, first and foremost, to enrich peoples lives with my words and actions. I did not post all the funny pics and jokes here to gain anything. I can look in the mirror this night knowing, I have given much and received very little in return. Can you say the same?

If you wish to contribute to the gofundme campaign, just go to this link-http://tw.gofund.me/fight-against-cooperate-america&pc=tw_co_share_m&rcid=r01-149978880781-8dfa28a6b2d64103

If you can’t contribute, for whatever reason, please at least share the link with anyone and everyone. I don’t want you to have to look in the mirror and not like what you see. Believe me, I have been there and would not wish that on anyone. Furthermore, I don’t want to lose my wife because cooperate American decided to throw her away. Please help in one way or another. The goal is set for one year’s salary. I would not ask for anything more than is actually needed. Thank you for your time and my God or whatever higher power you believe in, bless your life for helping!


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