Category Archives: Other Places

From another Blog

Well, something I never announced, is that I created a third blog. Now I have one for general, funny stuff, music, and reviews(here), One for my writings(AuthorJBThomas), which there is a link over there👉 and this last blog for MY photos and artworks.

I did, after all, spend a good part of the last 10 yrs. being a professional photographer and have sold my images to people around the world. So it really was about time to make a place for it.

Now that it has been standing on its own tripod for awhile, I have decided to share it here. I will place a permanent link soon. In the meantime, here is my latest post. Enjoy!

Little Moments I Caught


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Filed under General Stuff, Other Places, Pictures, Videos

Project Winter- A world of Paranoia!

Up today we have a mini review, and rant, on the game Project Winter.

I am pretty sure when the developers created this game, what they intended was not what what we currently have in the game. Nobody would develop a game that would make you feel constantly paranoid. That would just be cruel and most certainly would not last. Considering the game is online only and the goal is to monetize it, you would certainly have what you envisioned to be taking place. I suspect that vision was a laid back detective kind of game. However, what we now have is far from that!

What the game has become is a game where your fellow civilians kill you more than the damn traitors. Sounds kinda stupid,huh? I mean, your Fellow Civilians should be killing the Traitors? Right? By killing another Civilian they are just making themselves easier for the Traitors to kill and win the game!

Yet, this is exactly what is going on in every single game!

The problem seems to be multi-fold. Firstly everything a Civilian does is “Sus”. (For those not in the know, that means “Suspect or suspicious,) If you help them, you are sus. if you don’t help them, you are Sus. If you save their lives it is forgotten in a nano second and you are now Sus. If you kill a traitor,you must be the traitor. If you kill two traitors, granted a rare feat, but possible with bad players, you are then seen as even more Sus. If you attack moose and kill them, then give them food, you are Sus because you need to heal. If you place objects needed with other players supervision, into the radio/power station, and 15 mins later it is Sabatoged you are Sus. If you go out to open bunkers, save your fellow Civilians from wolves and/or bears, then stay back the next trip you are Sus. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ARE YOU EVER CONSIDERED INNOCENT. A lot of this has to do with problem number 2.

Problem two is the fact players are playing the game with their friends. I understand you want to play with your friends, however, if every game you play is with friends, then you suspect all other players. The simple fact that EVERBODY has an equal chance of being one of the traitors does not seem to sink in. Thus if you save them from the traitors, you are immediately blamed, because you killed their friends. I was litterly named a traitor and suspect because I coughed into my mike. Yes, every one who smokes, has allergies, or a cold, is guilty and must be Sus. Wtf?

The third problem seems to be that none of these younger players has critical thinking skills. It is like when their mother shit them from her woom, they were given shit instead of brains. Let me give you an example, just one of many,so you can have an idea of how adle-brained stupid these kids are today.

I helped craft and opened bunkers for items needed in the first objective, the Power Station, then I went off in one of the 3 possible directions looking for the Helipad. I encountered to two players who shot at me and I ran; they finally managed to trap me in small area and one had managed to cut me off. So left with no chance of flight, I fought. They both had guns but sucked at aiming them. I was able to kill both of them, before one of the others Civilians shows up and downs me. After a whole lot of persuading, way more then I should had to do, after all the help I had been giving the group while the two Traitors had not been helping at all. It should have been a no-brainer and I guess in a way it was. The fellow Civilian had no brain and took a really long time to decide to finally resurrect me.

When we got back to the camp everyone was told what happened and seemed to be cool with it. However, not even 10 mins. later, before I could even heal myself from my fight for my life with the traitors, one of the other Civilians downed me, accusing me of being Sus because I did not go with them when I was almost dead. Then they say they will let me live if the ghosts tell them to do so. They revive me and down me again. The ghosts freeze me because…DUH, I killed them and they were the Traitors. So of course they now, finally, permanently kill me. So let me sum up it all.

I helped with first objective, nearly died trying to help with the second objective. I was killed 3 times by my fellow Civilians, and judged by the Traitor ghosts. I was beaten, humiliated, greifed, and murdered for HELPING them win the game.

Now imagine that similar situations played out in almost all of my games yesterday, because that is what happened. Again and again, I helped and I ended up killed by my FELLOW Civilians. Not once did it occur to any of these simple-minded fools that I had been helping most of the game. I only managed to survive one fucking game, all day, because of this friendship combined with stupidity dynamic.

Project Winter is a game about survival but it is completely going to fail at surviving. The inclusivity and trust only friends mentality will be the downfall of this game. Unless the game developers figure out that they need to separate friends to create a more equal game environment for all players, they might as well kiss monetizing this game goodbye.

Well, that took longer than I thought. Sorry, if I ranted too long. I do truly hope that this honest review will be helpful to some people out there in their deciding whether they want to play this game or not. You can either bring a lot of friends and never get better at playing because you are only as good as your friends are or you can skip the headache. Do you really want to be paranoid every player outside of your group? Your choice and good luck!


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Filed under games, General Stuff, Other Places, Thoughts, video games

The End Of The First Amendment

You don’t have to be political. You don’t need to be Republican. You don’t need to be Democrat. You don’t even have to care one iota what goes on in Washington, D.C. to see, what is the single largest step any company has taken, in suppressing our right to free speech. Just go on to Twitter and read the reason why Twitter banned Donald Trump. It clearly, is all made up, supposition and conjecture. There is not a single reason in their statement that says Trump did anything wrong. Without proof, you have nothing!

I really love how they think that they can read between the lines and consider that a fair reason for a permanent ban of the man. The minute we think we can read other people minds, is the moment we need to check into the crazy asylum. Trump stated “I will not be at the inauguration”. There is nothing in this statement that implies anything to most people. Yet, according to Twitter, he was inviting his followers to go attack the Capital again on Inauguration Day. How exactly is it that you know what Trump was doing? How do you know his intent? (As a side note one has to wonder if they think they know because it is what they would do. Liars believe everyone else to be liars.) There is not any proof in this because nobody can know any else’s thoughts. This is completely and utterly absurd! Twitter goes on to say, that other people tweeted this notion of Inauguration Day being a perfect time to attack, because Trump won’t be there. So now we punish one person for the actions of another? If this were true, them Mr. Jack Dorsey should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, for allowing Trump to post as long as he did. This is Twitter’s logic, not mine! Maybe I should be prosecuted for speaking my mind too!

This has just gone too far, at this point. You cannot read between lines, make up conjecture when there is none, assume you know someone’s intentions, and punish someone for the actions of others, all in the name of taking away someone’s rights. A man must be judged on what he does, not what you THINK he has done. If I was judged based upon what people THINK I have done, I would be spending the next 1000 yrs. behind bars. Thankfully, that is not the case, because it would be so very wrong.

I want to clarify this for the record. I am not Republican. I am not Democrat. I don’t even vote. I don’t believe anyone has been worthy of my vote. All politicians are criminals! However, I do believe EVERY human being has inalienable rights. The right to free speech being of the highest priority for me. I cannot stand idly by, while someone’s rights are so blatantly violated. Evil wins when good men do nothing. I will never reward or champion evil deeds.

After having read this far, do you see what happens next? Maybe the next thing you post to Twitter is grist for the mill, something perfect for them to use, in the erasing of our free speech. Maybe you will be lucky and never say anything they don’t approve of, but history has shown that those who abuse power, will continue to do so until they are stopped. The Holocaust is a perfect example of just how far people will go when the have gotten drunk with power. It starts with them taking away our free speech. It ends with them taking away our lives. You can stand up now or lay down forever! Your choice!

As for me the choice is clear. I must remove my support of this platform forever. I will be deleting my Twitter account within the next week, thus giving my followers a chance to come and sub to this blog. This blog has been here for 14 yrs. because they support free speech. Perhaps I will make a Parlor account too!

At any rate, thank you for reading and I do hope you join me here.

Until next time I type…


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Filed under General Stuff, Other Places, Thoughts, Writings

My Portfolio

Yes, I have been very busy taking care of many unexpected things. This has been a very bad year for most of us. But, I did manage to get my portfolio site done. Here is the link- This is how the site will look mostly. A few small changes will take place as time allows. Please check it out when you have time and thx for reading!😎👍🤘

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Filed under General Stuff, Other Places, Thoughts

All Things Considered…

When I began this new road in my life, I thought I had considered all the options available to me. Upon expanded research, I discovered some things that I had not known. Things which make a huge difference in how I walk this road. I thought I would take a moment to share them with you. Maybe you might find some value for your own path.

Let’s get started with Twitter since that was the last thing I spoke of. As mentioned in my previous post, Twitter seems to be in a freefall. Not just due to the limitations of the platform, but also due to the limited understanding of most of its users. They do not seem to get how useful and important retweeting is. Thus Twitter usuage is going down daily.

If Twitter could figure out a way of making it evident what people like, then they would have a built-in sharing mechanism. I have learned, that not only are people reluctant to share tweets made at Twitter, they are less likely to even read anything from outside of the site, such as this post. Just how bad it really is, can be seen with one simple example.

I posted the exact same picture to my author blog, to Twitter and Facebook, via my blog. The blog post received over 20 likes here at WordPress, where as on Twitter it received NONE. Granted one person came from Twitter that day, however, they were not one of the people who liked the picture post.

Now most people would find this counter-intuitive. Shouldn’t a short form platform be better for posting pictures? Apparently not! In fact, the same picture got no response on Facebook either. Speaking of Facebook, lets move on.

Facebook business pages are supposed to help out your business. However, they do not! The current algorithm used by Facebook, hides your business posts from people who have actually “Liked” the page. WTF? So a business brings in people, only to not be able to market to them? That is just the dumbest thing I have ever seen. Had I know they had switched to this new algorithm, I would not have bothered setting up the page. I can see that I will be dumping the business page in favor of using my personal page. It simply makes no sense, to share pictures with people who most likely will never see them.

This leads me to what appears to have the most potential for a photographer…Instagram. I have just started this account and have only 6 pictures up. Seems like I have my work cut-out for me. BTW, if you want to follow me on Instagram, I go by j.b.thomas(No caps and no spaces). Please don’t follow me if you don’t plan on sharing photos you like. 🙂 Having an Instagram up and running, still has its drawbacks. Business profiles are frowned upon and you must still post your pictures at Facebook and Twitter, because both sites tend to ignore outside posts.

Despite all these little drawbacks to success, it seems like things are beginning to take shape. The ad I placed on Craig’s List ( has already gotten responses and it appears I should have a few models, both male and female, to round out my portfolio. This is obviously a step in the right direction. I am slowly but steadily, getting my photos up from 5 years of photography and 16 yrs. of graphics, onto my web store. Eventually, I will build a website that has a blog devoted strictly to photography.

All things considered though, there have been some setbacks, but I believe I am moving in the right direction. Just might take a little longer to get there…

I hope you found some value in this post and if you live in the Houston,Tx. area, keep me in mind for your photography needs. Take care and have an amazing weekend!



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Filed under General Stuff, Other Places, Pictures, Thoughts