Category Archives: Podcast


With nearly 20k followers on Twitter, and over 3000 subs on various blogs and music sites, it is impossible for me to welcome each person individually. Of course, I wish I could. I love meeting new people and hearing their stories! Until I find a way of cloning myself a few hundred times, this will have to do. 🙂

A brief summary about myself. I have been writing since I was 12. I love the horror genre and that is what I read and write mostly.I also write fantasy and mystery. You can learn more about my writing just by surfing this site, if you so desire. I have been singing and playing guitar since I was 15. All of my music is FREE. (who actually sells music these days?) The music I create embodies Rock, Blues, Chill, EDM, and Downtempo. Give it a listen if you like.

I have only recently started doing photography, but I studied the craft very carefully before beginning, and spent the money required, to do it justice. I am unhealthy and trying to build a legacy, before I die from all of the health problems I have. Everything I create is with that in mind.

I currently live in a new RV in Texas, with my wife and a majikal cat named appropriately, Jinxy. If you want to learn more about me, or just seek something to discover, here is a complete list of all my websites- main photos site. You can buy prints, cards, iPhone cases, tote bags, towels, shower curtains, and much more with my best photos on them.– If you would like to license my photos for books, online ads, TV, or many other things, go here. -Main blog with jokes, funny pics and music.– This is where ALL of my writings are. Poetry, prose, short stories, Novel chapters, and more.– My amazon author page where you can buy both e-book and paperback versions of my books. There are more book links, in the My Books” section of this site. Goodreads profile.– My reverbnation website. All music here is in mp3 format only.– Any format, lossless or mp3, is here. For those who like the best sound!:)– I only put sneak peeks of music WIPs here. I don’t care for soundcloud’s limitations.– Various videos ranging from music videos to gaming casts.– It catches most of my posts from nearly every blog.– My twitter account where I do most of my daily posting.


I want to thank each and every person who has followed, subbed, or become a fan. I hope you enjoy the ride you just climbed aboard, and tell your friends, before the train has left the station for good. Take care and feel free to contact me anytime. I will answer as time allows. 😎  If you would like to connect on any of these sites, just send me your info via the contact page.


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Filed under Animation, Apps, Comedy, funny, games, General Stuff, Guitar, Humor, Jokes, Little Moments Of Truth, Music, Other Places, Pictures, Plasma TV, Podcast, Poetry, Polls, Reviews, Shadow Shifters, Thoughts, video games, Videos, Where the Water Leads, Writings, Xbox 360

Odeo and joke#2

Normally, I would have seperated these two into 2 different posts but I have been hard at work creating my next podcast. With this new information about Odeo, I may have to consider moving my podcast to there. At any rate, gots to get back to it, so here is another joke.

One Saturday I was running errands for my wife.  I had gone to Wal-Mart
and was standing in line waiting to buy a large bag of Purina for my
Labrador Retriever.  A woman behind me looking at the bag, asked if I
a dog.

On impulse, I told her that no, I was starting The Purina Diet again,
although I probably shouldn’t because I’d ended up in the hospital last
time, but that I’d lost 50 pounds before I awakened in an intensive
ward with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IVs in both arms.

I told her that it was essentially a perfect diet and that the way that
works is to load your pants pockets with Purina nuggets and simply eat
or two every time you feel hungry & that the food is nutritionally
complete so I was going to try it again.

I have to mention here that practically everyone in the line was by now
enthralled with my story, particularly a tall guy behind her.

Horrified, she asked if I’d been poisoned and was that why I was in the

I said no…..I’d been sitting in the street licking my balls and a car
hit me.

I thought the tall guy was going to have to be carried out the door.

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Filed under Comedy, General Stuff, Humor, Jokes, Podcast, Thoughts